
Saturday, September 24, 2011

Rice Krispie Maps and Tie Dye ...Oh My!!

What a crazy week!

On Monday, we used clay to make the geographical features in the United States. Then on Thursday, we used Rice Krispies to do the same thing. The kids really enjoyed both activities (I think the edible one was their favorite). Hopefully, the hands on approach helped them perform well on their Social Studies test. The tests will be in next weeks Friday Folders.

I am sure you also heard about our tie dyeing on Friday. The shirts looked fantastic. Mrs Royce was an excellent twister. A big thanks to her for helping those that needed shirt twisting help. I will wash the shirts today and the students will bring them home on Monday. The are so proud of their shirts and every one of them turn out great.

We will have a science test on Thursday this week. Students should be studying their binders. The test will be over both qualitative and quantitative observations, making inferences, communicating, and predicting.

Keep studying the multiplication facts.

Have a great weekend. See you on Monday.

Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Settling In

I hope everyone is settling into a new school year routine, I know I am. Things at school are going great.

Everyone seems to understand the homework routine and is turning in the correct pages on the correct day. Yippee!! Science binders should be coming home on Monday and Wednesday. The social studies binder should be coming home on Tuesday and Thursday.

Our daily schedules seem to be working out terrific as well.

We had our first social studies test last week, it will be coming home in the Friday Folder. Remember, your child can do test corrections. They need to correct the questions they missed and then turn both the test and the corrections back in on Monday.

The PTO has asked that I remind everyone about the Entertainment Books. The sale is ending on Friday. If you still have money or books, please return them by Friday. This is one of our biggest fundraisers of the year, please help out if you are able.

Finally, I still have a few students who need to turn in tie dye t-shirt money. Please send that in ASAP as I need to get the shirts ordered for next weeks big day.

Thanks for all you do.
KME is the place to be!

Thursday, September 1, 2011

Off to a Great Start !!

Welcome to my classroom blog.  I am trying this out with the hopes of eliminating a weekly newsletter.  I will be updating the blog as necessary when importan information arises. Please sign up to receive email alerts so that you are sure not to miss anything important. 

I hope all of your children have been enjoying the school year so far. We are getting into a routine and everyone seems to be adjusting well. 

Hopefully, you have seen your child studying the Social Studies and Science binders.  The Science binder should come home on Monday and Wednesday and  the Social Studies binder on Tuesday and Thursday.  Your child should spend about 10 to 15 minutes each night studying thier binder.  This will make life so much easier as we get closer to test days. 

Homework is handed out on Fridays and is due the following Wednesday or Thursday depending on the assignment. 

Finally, the planbook  is our most importnat means of communication.  Your child should be filling out their planbook each afternnon.  I ask that you sign it each night so that you are aware of what is going on in the classroom.