
Tuesday, March 5, 2013

Snow Day? Possibly!!

I'm not sure who is more excited the kids or the teachers for our first snow day !! My meteorologist friend thinks it is a real possibility   We can only hope right?

I have just a few items to update you on.

1.   I have allowed the students to bring their ipod/ipad devices to school to use them during math.  We are using an app called Geoboard by The Math Learning.  They are only allowed to use them during math time and only that app.  Don't worry if you don't have a device, I have been bringing mine in from home and we have been sharing.  If you have allowed your student to bring them to school - thank you so much.  They are really enjoying them.

2.  Conferences are scheduled for next Thursday.  I am trying something new this year for sign ups.  Use this link to set up a time to meet with me -   http://goo.gl/hB0A1    We use the Fall conferences to meet with all parents and Spring conferences are for parents who have concern.  So don't feel like you have to sign up if things are going well and you have no concerns.

3. The Ohio Hero Wax Museum is on Friday March 15th at 2:30 pm.  Your children are writing their reports and speeches as we speak.  They will be ready to start memorizing them by the end of the week.  Now it is the parents turn to get the costume ready and help them memorize their speech.  If your child signed up to be a Rick Sowash person, they need to have their costume here on Thursday.  Everyone else needs to have their costume here on Friday.  Please try to come to the Wax Museum on Friday as they worked so hard to bring history to life.  It is always a great time.

I think that is all for today.  If you have any questions please feel free to email me.